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Publish Videos and Save Projects

Learn how to publish and export your projects...

  • Export Resolution Options

    CreateStudio lets you publish videos with up to 4K resolution. It also has preset video formats for different social media platforms....

  • How to Make a Thumbnail

    To create a thumbnail, you can either  (1) Export a frame from your video or  (2) Design a custom image on the canvas To publish it as an image file: Click on Publish > Select Image > choose between P...

  • How to Set a Video's Last Frame

    Some videos look cool if they fade out to a black or white screen at the end. Others work better if the last frame is kept especially if it contains important information like a website, a logo, or co...

  • How to Export a Frame From a Video

    CreateStudio lets you capture frames from your project and save them as an image in PNG or JPEG format.  A. Export and Save to an external location This is especially useful in making thumbnails for y...

  • How to Render Videos with Transparency

    Rendering videos with transparent backgrounds gives you so much flexibility. This means you can place a video on top of another or place it inside another project or tool. Click Publish at the top rig...

  • The Autosave Feature

    CreateStudio Pro comes with an Autosave feature that is enabled by default, which automatically saves every 5 minutes. To change the interval, go to the project settings and click the Autosave dropdow...

  • How to Set or Change the Resolution

    Setting the Resolution of a New Project  On the app's homepage, click on  New Project Go to Settings > Click on the Resolution tab Choose from the presets (Standard, Vertical, Square or Portrait) or t...

  • How to Save & Open Projects

    Save a Project Click the 'Save' icon in the upper right corner Choose a folder where you want to save your project Type a file name and hit Save. While working, regularly save your project to save you...

  • How To Render Videos

    When your project is finished, it's time to export it as a video. 1. Save the project  Click on the Save button Choose the destination folder and type the project name 2. Publish the video Click on th...

  • Cloud Storage Compatibility

    Can I Store Project files in Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, Box, etc.) and use them in CreateStudio Pro? We recommend using your local hard drive in storing files used in CreateStudio P...